"Life Force Energy"
Prana is a Sanskrit term that translates to “life force” or “vital energy.” The energy that flows within in us sustaining life itself - our purpose.
I'm Alicia RN, NC-BC
Nurse Coach
With my passion for holistic health and 9 years of experience as an emergency room nurse, I am committed to guiding you towards your wellness goals with personalized support and guidance. When all aspects of your wellness are in align the life of your dreams becomes your reality. It all starts and ends with your mind.
Through tailored coaching programs, empowering workshops, and compassionate encouragement, I empower my clients to make sustainable lifestyle changes, prioritize self-care, and cultivate a balanced approach to health and well-being. My mission is to inspire and empower individuals to take control of their health and cultivate a life of vitality and purpose. I am committed to providing compassionate guidance, unwavering support, and evidence-based strategies to help my clients thrive in mind, body, and spirit.
Alicia's Credentials
Registered Nurse licensed in state of MI
Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach (NBCHWC)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
Bachelors of Science in Rehabilitative Services

My Health Diagnosis:
Lupus (autoimmune)

My Journey
My health career started in 2015 as a registered nurse in the Emergency Department, working at an inner city Level 1 trauma center. As the years passed, I began to notice that we continuously saw the same patients coming through the doors and usually in worse shape each time.
In 2020 my world got flipped upside down, as it did for most, yet I am so grateful. I was dreading my once loved career, became a single mom of a 3yr old at the time and my health was steadily declining - all while being isolated because the world was shut down. I always thought of myself as a healthy individual, however I started to have random hive outbreaks, severe joint pain and body swelling. After multiple doctor visits and endless "routine" blood tests, I continuously was being told "It's probably just stress"..."I don't know what's causing this, it must be autoimmune disease." After 2 years I was put on steroids as a treatment, yet it wasn't helping my symptoms and it was creating new/more issues for me. No one could help me.
Feeling so lost and hopeless in life, I began therapy. While no doubt this helped, I still felt there was something missing. I was left with label for my emotions but still lost. I was tired of waking up feeling depressed and afraid of my health but didn't know how to get out of that funk.
In 2021 the practice of self-awareness was introduced to me. During this time, I met one of my closest friends and he introduced me to meditation. Having never practiced this before but so desperate to wake up with smile I gave it a try. Awkward and uncomfortable at first, but I stuck with it, I began to notice a shift in my mindset. As I fell in love with meditation I began to explore other self-awareness practices. I was myself again except...happier, healthier, more driven...I enjoyed my life again! I began to make better lifestyle choices leading me down a path of my dreams. I explored different avenues of health care - natural medicine, holistic medicine. With the help of my naturalist and my nurse coach, my health issues started to disappeared. I developed meaningful relationships and the best thing of all is the bond that has developed between my daughter and I through all of this!
Still feeling stuck in a rut with my career I began to take a deeper look into healthcare. While western medicine definitely has some amazing benefits, I feel there is more to "medicine" than this. Knowing how much self-awareness and holistic practices has helped me in my health, I felt called to share that with others. In 2023 I enrolled in The Nurse Coach Collective Program where I have completed 120+ hours of training in holistic nursing practices.
With a deep passion for holistic well-being, a background in emergency medicine and physical fitness/rehabilitation, and personal experience, I have dedicated my life to helping others unlock their full potential to achieve optimal health and happiness. I am so grateful to have a career of my dreams and I am truly honored to work with each and every everyone of my clients.